If you are a minor who is in trouble for an alcohol-related offense or a parent whose minor child is facing an alcohol-related charge, you are probably wondering what is at stake and what action to take.
Under Florida law, people under 21 are prohibited from possessing or drinking alcoholic beverages. As we all know, the law doesn’t keep all young people away from alcohol. It is common for minors to be cited for alcohol-related offenses in Florida, including minor in possession of alcohol (MIP), using a fake ID to obtain alcohol, and drinking and driving.
However, these charges still need to be taken seriously to protect your or your child’s future. It’s important to consult with an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fully understand your options.
My name is Jason Rogozinski and I represent minors facing alcohol-related charges at my law firm based in Tampa and Plant City. Call me today at 813-473-6909 or contact me online for a free consultation.